Para sa Sekularisasyon, Humanismo at Tao

Empowering Reason

Through Digital Media

Cultivate critical thinking through digital media. Advocate for reason ​and humanism and help spread knowledge about secularism.

About the Philippine ​Humanist Missions

The purpose of the Philippine Humanist Missions is to promote humanism and secularism in the Philippines. We provide education, ​advocacy, and community-building initiatives to empower Filipinos to embrace reason, critical thinking, and evidence-based ​decision-making in all aspects of life through creative and digital media.

Our movement aims to challenge outdated beliefs, superstitions, and dogmas that hinder progress and impede individual freedoms ​and societal advancements. Through grassroots efforts, public outreach, and educational programs, we strive to cultivate a society ​that respects diversity, values inclusivity, and upholds the separation of church and state.

By fostering a culture of secular humanism, we envision a Philippines where individuals are empowered to lead a life guided by ​rationality, compassion, and ethical integrity. Together, we strive to build a more just, equitable, and enlightened society for present ​and future generations.

What we plan to do

Publish educational and ​learning materials

By creating and disseminating relevant ​educational materials, the movement can raise ​awareness about the principles of secularism ​and humanism among Filipinos.

Awareness ​Campaigns

Establish presence in schools ​and universities

By establishing a presence in these institutions, ​the movement can nurture a new generation of ​leaders who prioritize secular principles in ​governance, social activism, and community ​engagement.

Scalability ​Campaigns

Seed a Media Network that ​will show secularism content

By establishing a credible news agency, the ​Filipino Secular Movement can amplify its voice, ​exert influence on public opinion and policy-​making processes, and ultimately drive positive ​social change in favor of secular principles.

Influence ​Campaigns



What is Secularism?


Secularism is the concept of keeping ​religious influence separate from ​government and public institutions.

It promotes neutrality in matters of ​religion, allowing individuals the freedom ​to practice any faith or none at all ​without interference from the state.

Essentially, it advocates for a society w​here religion and government operate i​ndependently of each other.


What is Humanism?


Humanism is a progressive philosophy ​of life that, without theism or other ​supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability ​and responsibility to lead ethical lives ​of personal fulfillment that aspire to the ​greater good.

It stands for the building of a more ​humane society through an ethics ​based on human and other natural ​values in a spirit of reason and free ​inquiry through human capabilities.


American Humanist Society and ​Humanist​ International


Are you anti-religion?


We are not categorically anti-religion. ​What we are advocating is to keep the ​dogma, doctrines and affairs of religion ​be separate from the affairs of ​government.

We advocate for separationism and the ​abolishment of the current Benevolent ​Neutrality practice in the Philippine ​society today.

What does it mean

to be secularist and humanist?



To be a secularist means advocating ​for the separation of religion from ​government and public institutions, ​advocating for a society where ​decisions are made based on reason, ​evidence, and democratic principles ​rather than religious doctrines.

Being a humanist entails prioritizing the ​well-being and dignity of humanity, ​emphasizing reason, compassion, and ​ethical values in guiding one's actions ​and beliefs.

Does everyone have the right to ​not to have religion?



Yes, everyone has the right to freedom ​of religion or belief, which includes the ​right to adhere to any religion, change ​religions, or hold no religious beliefs at all. ​This right is enshrined in various ​international human rights instruments.

It ensures that individuals have the ​autonomy to choose their own beliefs ​without coercion or discrimination.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations (UN)

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More resources

Philippine Secular Summit 2024:

Events & Activities

The Philippine Pastafarian Church took center ​stage as various secular organizations in the ​Philippines convened for the ​#PhilippineSecularSummit2024, held under the ​banner of secularism and for the people.

Learn: Know More About ​Secularism and Humanism

Secular humanism is comprehensive, touching ​every aspect of life including issues of values, ​meaning, and identity. Thus it is broader than ​atheism, which concerns only the nonexistence ​of god or the supernatural.

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